June 14, 2005

Vehicle Accident and AVN

Hello folks, hope all are well. I am doing well. Two weeks ago I was a passenger in a car accident. It was NOT a major one...I won't bore you with details but it happened and we were rearended. We are both okay but her car has some pretty severe damage. The car that hit us, thank goodness was not going very fast at all. Anyways, I wanted to share that with the FVFG performed on my LH Jan 04, I was scared that something happened. I can remember the doctors mentioning be extremely careful in vehicles and do anything to prevent accidents within the first year especially. Well I am a year and a half out but I was still paranoid! After all that I went through and something as simple as this has a possibility of taking it away from me?!

It took me about 24 hours to come to terms with myself to go get an xray just to make sure I was ok. A precaution. I am okay, thank goodness but I was hesitant to get them. You ask why? I had no symptoms of anything. No pain, no hurting, nothing. But then I looked back and revisited when I started to hurt, limp and contact doctors pre-op and I was at a stage 4b!!!!!! I always have to remind myself that my pain tolerance is extremely high and to reevaluate the situation at hand. I did and like I said, after 24 hours can to terms to get the xray, just to make sure. Sure enough I was/am ok but what a relief that was!!!!!

Every movement I made I thought...what was that?....was that a pain.... Did I feel something? Good greif! Bottom line, its always best to be safe than sorry.

All is well thank goodness again,

Posted by Star at 6:26 PM | Comments (0)

June 12, 2005

5 K Walk Run???? You are kidding!

Feeling GOOD! On Sunday May 22, 2005 the Colorado Rockies HomeRun 5k walk/run occurred. The Rockies werent at the stadium, they were away games but the event ended at the stadium....inside. Why do I tell you this? Because I signed up for it and did it! Granted I am not allowed to run, I walked it all but walked kinda fast until the end when they made you walk around the warning track of the field. Then I was looking at things all over. Not good for a baseball fan to have the walk/run through the stadium.

I did it! I entered and had a number pinned on me 1005. I did so well, it was challenging but did not hurt. If it did or I felt I couldn't do it, I would stop. I wanted to see if I really am doing as well as I think I am. Apparently I am. I am thankful daily that my obscure operation has been successful! Knock on wood.I did this 5k alone and did not advertise it since I am not like that. I wanted to see if I could do it for myself. Then after I told a few people, but not many. I think I can do the Relay for Life in a few weeks.

I placed 1112th out of 1439 and finished in 50:08. Out of 760 women I placed 542nd.

For 35 to 39 year old women I was 54th out of 79 finishers.

Can you believe this!!!! I walked a 5 k! Crazy stuff! Just wanted to let you know I been doing so well. I am thankful every day that I can walk. I know someday that could change but I am sure glad it's not today.

Wow have I come a long way! Sometimes I amaze myself!

Posted by Star at 4:38 PM | Comments (0)

May 1, 2005

Reply 2 fellow FVFGer-has pain 1 1/2 yrs post op

Hip and groin area pain...sounds like what I felt before the FVFG. I asked about that pin and if it did work its way out (which they told me is exteremly rare and doesn't "come out"...it may move a small bit)it would be an outpatient appt and it is a nothing operation...so they described. They say that getting the FVFG does not guarantee all pain will be gone yet it could still be successful. Who knows...one day at a time and life will be good. :)

As for pain, I haven't had any pain (knock on wood) since the epidural had a kink and no pain meds were in my system post op. That is the last pain I can remember...maybe I blocked all other pain out...who knows, but I will never forget that pain! ;) I was pretty bad myself with a stage 4b no collapse but anytime it was going to. Everyone is so different ... there is a chance they don't get all the dead bone out before the graft is put in...therefore the AVN progresses...sometimes there is a small dot of AVN in a different location that may have not been detected because it was before a 0 stage...sometimes those with 30% recover slower than a person with 80%. It is really hard to say since there are so many variables in our lives. I do know exercise produces blood flow but check with your doc before any exercise. The pool is real good for me since its is not weight bearing unless I make it be (shallow end of pool).

Also, like both of us said, they say that some pain may not be 100% back to NO pain at all. Infact it sounded like that would be the exception to the rule.

Some have had a THR already, some are going to have it, some have limited pain and some no pain at all.

I am doing fine, normal activities yes, I am not suppossed to run or rollerblade or any impact exercise...which I am ok with. I used to rollerblade ALOT but a good trade to be able to walk. I can look back at all the things I "did" do pre-AVN and I am thankful...I did ALOT and I am fortunate that I can say that I did certain activities. Some people aren't as fortunate. I walk the stadium, up and down the stairs, back and forth making sure I say hello to my friends at the park.

Posted by Star at 6:35 PM | Comments (0)

April 25, 2005

Relay for Life

June 24th I am going to finally do the Relay for Life. It is for the
American Cancer Society that I have participated in for years. It's a
track we walk around and each member of the team is committed a minimum
of an hour of walking. It's a 15 hour event. For years I would walk
hours at a time, the highest was 18 miles! Pre-AVN.

Two years ago the doctor demanded that I NOT do the walk at all. I
still wrote out all the names on the luminarias that get lit around the
track. I did ONE lap--- that took me 45 minutes (it's a 1/4 mile lap)-
probably from your PC to the corner on your block!! ...I was in so much
pain. I hurt so bad but couldn't face that I really had some bone
problems. I stopped and took breaks too. Still dancing with denial at
that point.

Last year I did my hour walk...5 months post-op FVFG. I did it
with my forearm crutches. I was glad not to let the team down that
year...but everyone understands regardless...I felt good I could still
contribute. I took my time and went slow but I did it.

This year, I hope I will be able to do it. No pain nor crutches. These
are people that I only see once a year and I cannot wait to WALK the
laps...for more than Cancer and those who were close to me. June
24th...big day for me. I will also leave the possibility that I won't
be able to...that way my expectations aren't so high...but I won't
focus on that.

Why do I tell you this? Because there are moments in all of our lives
that can be extremely frustrating but taking one day at a time makes it
a bit easier to process. I am also repetitively thankful for these days
I have been granted. I may not have pain but I still take one day at a
Just wanted to share,

Posted by Star at 7:17 PM | Comments (0)

April 7, 2005

Fast Cars and Braves Rule

Hello folks...title is as off the subject as it can be. Haven't posted in a while...was on vacation back in FL at moms again to show all those people there how well I can walk. Had a good time, caught a few Spring Training games.

Completely off the subject is that I have such a body FULL of energy tonight, something I haven't felt in some time now. As if I can't sleep or want to do anything else but focus on this energy. Of course, we know if we have the energy and need to burn it...we do so by exrecising or whatnot but this is more than full of energy...this is a addiction feeling, a happy feeling a wordless feeling, HARD to describe. A feeling that I cannot put to rest and something I cannot solve easily.

What to do what to do...wonder how long this will last...its only been a couple of hours but it feels like a lifetime!

Anyways, thought I would check in and let everyone know I am doing JUST fine. Baseball is back, I am thankful for that...that's where my energy goes...but no home games for a week!
Only if...

Posted by Star at 11:22 PM | Comments (0)