Movies and Misperceptions about multiple personalities

Sometimes I wish that movie "Sybil" had never been made. Sure, I like Sally Field. And the movie has its good moments. BUT. AGH!
Why do movies portray multiples as psycho, messed up, bizarre, obvious acts of switching? You know what? I switch right in front of people and a lot of the time they have no idea I just did. My voice rarely changes, I hardly ever just start crying out of nowhere (I go home to the privacy of my closet to do that), and I am very successful in my job as a teacher.
This morning I overheard someone talking about when her daughter starts acting all ornery and difficult, her grandmother gets in her face and starts shouting "Sybil, get out of there!" as if its a joke, as if "Sybil" is this evil person who has taken over her daughter. And now her daughter is starting to do that to other people. Score another one for stereotypes and misconceptions.
I just closed my eyes. Maybe I should make a t-shirt that says, "I am NOT like Sybil!" or "Yes I'm multiple but no I'm NOT a psychotic serial killer."
My shirt would just say "Yeah I'm multiple and I just do my job and do the best I can to get through every day, and I'm nice to kids, and I help other people, and I clean my house, and I pay my bills on time, and I do everything that you do, just in a more complicated manner."
(But that wouldn't sell movie tickets now, would it?)

Posted by pilgrim | Filed under:


No kidding! *(hugs)*

hey i believe in you i havent seen the movie but i am going to becuase i have a project to do about disassociation identity disorder props to you !!!!!!!!!!!!! if ur stable with it and able to live a half normal life and is happy than theres nothing different about u :D

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