when i did go into the wall

#1 the funny thing. Goldfish crackers come in the mail today from judy! her sent me lots of them in a box! bbunches! shhe is so funny. and there is lots of them. 6 bags of goldfish. judy is so funny. i did need somthig for a smile

today it did be hard when i talkt to s.
i told her when i did go into the wall the 1st time. in kindergarden at the mean techers class at the sschool
when the techer did yell at me over evretyhing and her saed i was bad all the time evn if i didnt do anyething
adn the precher at schol he wud yell up on the stage abot going to hell and he was scary
and the techer she hit you with a ruler and did make you stand in the corner if you did aneything rong.
the pepol in the l unch room they did be rel men also
the techer her oways yell at me. her saied her had to keep a eye on me cos i was bad and wikid and i got in trobol if i rung the bell to loud or if i didnt make my 9s rite
1 time i yelld her sent me to the corner that was the last day efver

her told evrebody to lok atme
i wantid to disaper :(
haf to hold your hands behinde your back
so i did go into the wall and i disaper into the wall
thats waer i stayd for lotsa time

my T her askt me who did come out then but i dont no

its sad to rimember

Posted by pilgrim | Filed under:


I am so proud of you! You expressed yourself so well. That teacher was so mean and if I could I would break her ruler and make her stand in the corner. You sound like such a sweet and beautiful girl. I am so glad T is helping you and you are talking to her! Good job!donna

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