crohns disease
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Crohn's Disease

Crohn's Disease is a chronic inflammatory condition of the gastrointestinal tract that most often affects the colon and small intestine. It is an autoimmune disorder in which the body's immune system attacks everything passing through the intestine as if it were a foreign substance. Crohn's is very similar in symptomology to Ulcerative Colitis and they are both classified as irritable bowel diseases.

Crohn's: Behind the Scenes
Cheyenne shares the details of her experience with Crohn's Disease

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Is There a Cure for Crohn's Disease?

A patient may go through periods of severe symptoms and then go into remission for years. There is no cure for Crohn's but the symptoms can often be controlled with dietary modification, drugs, and sometimes surgery.

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More Digestive Disorder Topics:
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