June 14, 2005

Coworker CarrotCake Conspiracy

There are those social work obligations that cannot be avoided. Dinner with the boss, happy hour, company picnics... and cake. Every time a co-worker turns leaf, I am faced with the perplexing question, "To cake or not to cake".

To cake is surely a death sentence. Not to cake is a corporate faux pas. I see creamy mousses, shivering ice cream concoctions, chocolate delights and, my favorite, carrotcake. You fight to say no, but of course its rude to do so. And honestly, I don't really want to. I try to fight it, sometimes I feign a full stomach, but then carrotcake is served.

Carrotcake is a devious little vixen. She's made out of carrots - and carrots are a vegetable, hence healthy for you. She's made out of nuts, walnut, a prime source of needed fiber. When you logically deduce its benefits, you cannot possibly turn down carrotcake.

I had two slices, one for each birthday.

I had an IBS episode for three hours.

Posted by Christine on June 14, 2005 6:08 PM

On my friend's blogs they have added me on their blog rolls, but mine always sits at the bottom of the list and does not list when I post like it does for others. Is this a setting that I need to change or is this a choice that they have made?.

Posted by: mens ralph lauren us open tennis at January 14, 2013 2:09 PM

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