June 03, 2004

The Role Of Body Dysmorphic Disorder In Anorexia

“Body Dysmorphic Disorder occurs in people who are normal-looking. However, they are overly concerned with a small defect in their appearance, or they are preoccupied with an imagined defect in their appearance. In order to qualify for this diagnosis, this preoccupation must affect their lives in at least one situation, be it work, leisure or marriage, or cause significant distress. Oftentimes, those with this disorder may go so far as to have plastic surgery.”
I cannot believe the many times I looked in the mirror and saw fat when the scale said very much under weight. I think that this is a stronghold that drags many people with ana even deeper into the illness. No matter what people said if I found any visible amount of flesh it appeared as fat to me. I also believed I was a very large person. Eventually I found a way to counteract the lies that my eyes and mind told me. I would take a pair of my size 4 or 6 jeans, button & zip them, then spread them out on the floor. I would look at them and I could tell from their size that no overweight or large person could possibly fit into those pants. Just doing that simple thing helped me past a certain milestone in my determination to overcome anorexia.
The link below has some very good information on Body Dysmorphic Disorder:
I hope that this small idea may help someone else out.

Posted by Kathy on June 3, 2004 04:27 PM