July 10, 2004

A New Day

Thank goodness that today is a new day. Yesterday I was hired for a position at a local store. I start training for the position on Monday. And for this I am a much happier person. I don't know about other people with anorexia but my eating is directly related to my moods. Low mood.....not much eating. Feeling happy.....can eat more normally.

Can anyone relate???

Posted by Kathy on July 10, 2004 03:33 AM

HelloI came across your diary this morning and wanted to express my congratulations on your new job.I know that these new ventures are both exciting and stressful, but know that there are those of us out here who are rooting for you and look forward to reading about how you adjust to this new position.I really like the honesty of your diary.Keep up the great work, ok?

Posted by: Lalo at July 10, 2004 06:51 AM