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August 05, 2004

Still working on it...

Well, I definitely haven't been b/ping AS much, but I still have been. For some reason, yesterday was bad... I did it twice, but before that I was doing well. I got some comments from people on this, and I really appreciated them. I will e-mail you back or send you a note back, because I would definitely like to hear what you have to say. I have realized what feelings I have when I binge, so I am trying to deal with them more. It's a struggle. Right now I am actually trying a cleansing fast, and so far so good! It hasn't been long, but usually I b/p right in the morning because of how much I dread each day, but I just had a glass of tea (I can only have liquids like tea and water) I really really want to do well with this. I feel that even if I am able to do this fast, that shows that I have SOME control over my eating and then maybe I can get back to regular eating. Besides all of this, nothing new has been going on. I try to be with friends as much as possible because that way I don't b/p. I don't even THINK of it when I am with friends. It's something about being at home and how much I resent my family that seems to cause it. Well, I better go, but I will keep updating... sorry this one took so long.

Posted by babygoddess100 at August 5, 2004 09:04 AM
