July 29, 2004

Looking Forward To An Interesting Experience

I am hanging around here this week kind of waiting for next Monday to get here. That's when I go to the hospital to the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit (EMU). I need to be there at 7am! I am just so hoping that I don't run into any "problems" like I did before I went the first time to another hospital a while ago. I don't know if I could honestly handle that again.

It's going to be a long week in the EMU since I won't be able to leave my room for safety reasons. I'm going to take a variety of things to occupy me, but I'm sure I won't have enough! I am looking forward to an interesting experience!!

Because of all that's going on, my 81 year old Mom and I have spent some time recently discussing all this and I'm continuously trying to help her understand what I'm doing and why I'm doing it. I'm sure she's scared for me. But she's supportive, like she always has been!! The only family member I have right now who cares. But that's another story.........

Posted by Rhonda on July 29, 2004 5:34 PM