March 2, 2006

Have not updated again in a few

This time the lack of update is my computer's fault-not mine-LOL. It will be a few more days that it is down but I am at my mother-in laws-so I wanted to update real quick. Have been very sick-ended up quitting my job for a better one that I had to quit two days in because I was simply too sick to work right now. Spent all day yesterday at the emergency room with such a crippling headache that I could not even see hoping the worst of this flare starts to subside soon as I need an income.........anyway hopefully my computer will be up and running again within a few days.............Namaste

Posted by Lisa on March 2, 2006 9:01 AM


My prayers are with you during your flare up. Living with the ups and down of a chronic illness is the hard part. Flare ups always come at the wrong time. But trust God it will soon pass. We look forward to you coming back to encourage us.

Posted by: New Luppie Girl at March 5, 2006 5:44 AM

Oy ve. I am feeling for you, sister. I've had autoimmune symptoms for >20 years, but was never taken seriously until ~15 years ago, when I worked with a nurse who had lupus for many many years. She pointed me in the right direction. I feel very luck to have "mild" disease (ha ha, what does THAT mean). So no renal involvement (knock on wood). In the last year, I learned that I might have MCTD instead of SLE, as I always thought. I definitely enjoy Raynaud's, peripheral neuropathy, rashes, massive joint pain, horrendous headaches, etc. But I'm reasonably healthy given my body's state of health.

I appreciate your blog's honesty and completely understand and empathize. It's HARD to deal with and accept the reality of one's changed health. There are days that I literally cannot move, I am so wiped and in so much pain. My fingers are so swollen right now that it hurts to type.

My thoughts and prayers are with you. This disease really does suck, doesn't it?


Posted by: Brenda at March 28, 2006 11:09 PM