October 16, 2004

The Lyme Guy

February 2002 - On my next visit to my doctor, I asked her, "Do you think I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?" She said "No, and if I thought you did have it, I'd treat you the same way, anyhow." It was at that moment I thought that maybe I should seek out another opinion. I was convinced from all I had read on the internet that I had CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue and Immune Deficiency Syndrome.) Actually, I found a doctor on the internet - I found a CFIDS Support group that had a listing of local professionals - doctors, lawyers - who were sympathetic to CFIDS sufferers. Some doctors still didn't believe CFS or CFIDS were real and treated these patients like "It's all in your head." So luckily, I found a doctor without this prejudice and my husband drove me there (an hour drive) while I laid in the back seat.

Dr. G. greeted me in the waiting room. He escorted me to his treatment room - a comfy Feng Shui�ed room with a sofa and a massage table with a pink sheet for an exam table. My husband was made to feel welcome and sat next to me. For the next hour and a half, he listened to my history, wrote notes and asked for occasional clarification.

Then he gave me a short physical exam. "Not only do you have CFS, but you have Fibromyalgia, too."

Posted by Laureen on October 16, 2004 4:04 PM


wow. its so much easier for me to understand when i read about your disease in increments. each step forward always resulted in a step backwards which must have been horribly frustrating! but you persisted. what else could you do? you couldn't just give up, that just not in your nature. you amaze me...
TITLE: Will my real doctor please stand up?
AUTHOR: Laureen
DATE: 10/8/2004 02:30:11 PM

Posted by: Ms Bees Knees at October 11, 2004 9:16 AM

I still can't believe you endured all those shots! I pass out and piss myself (really, no exaggeration) if I even see a needle. Ugh!
TITLE: Brain Fog
AUTHOR: Laureen
DATE: 10/10/2004 07:28:40 PM

Posted by: Ms Bees Knees at October 18, 2004 4:03 PM

DATE: 10/18/2004 04:05:05 PM
Can Lyme tests be negetive? How is that possible? Why didn't you just stop there? What made you test again?...ok, I'll be patient and wait for your next post.
TITLE: Purple Belly
AUTHOR: Laureen
DATE: 10/14/2004 01:06:34 PM

Posted by: Ms Bees Knees at January 7, 2005 2:21 AM

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