August 19, 2004

Oregon Caves and Camping

Well, we got back last night from our camping trip. I did good on the tour, but it was difficult. I had to keep reminding myself to breathe slowly. It wasn't so much the caves but the strangers. My son helped me by trying to stay at my side, and Michael was great about that too. I did not want to ruin it for the others by leaving right away, so I pushed on. After the tour, Ric bought me a milkshake as a reward for making it all the way through. I did get sick to my stomach after we got back to the campsite though. Of course I said it was because I ate too much and too fast but I know it was the after-effects of the tour. I hate feeling like that and having to rely on people always being there to help me along. I remember a time when I could be in a room full of strangers and it wouldn't bother me at all. Now my hands sweat and I get shaky all over......What a way to live...It really bites, BIG TIME!

Posted by Rose S. on August 19, 2004 01:27 PM

I don't believe that you have true agoraphobia.If you did than how can you go camping and do other things outside of the home?I think that you are making the whole thing up to try to get attention.Maybe if you got your lazy ass in gear and quit trying to have everyone feel sorry for you and hold your hand all the time.then maybe you would grow up.This idea you have of everyone pity me is getting old.

Posted by: RickyLee at September 11, 2005 10:03 PM are so insenstive...Not all agoraphobics are complete shut-ins. I was just recently diagnosed with agoraphobia, too, and I have to exact same syptoms as Rose. If you would actually read about agoraphobia, you might realize that some of us CAN travel outside the home, but have to have a "safe person" with us. I don't want your pity, as I'm sure that Rose doesn't either, but having a person to listen is one of the easiest ways to cope. And since you obviously don't know what you're talking about, maybe you should stop visiting the site.

Posted by: Jennifer at October 24, 2005 01:18 PM

Grrr I find rickyLee's comments obviously have NO concept of what Agoraphobia is and it is clear you are under the "Popular" misconception that ALL agoraphobics are "Housebound" this is total rubbish and I feel insulted by your total disregard of this topic.
I am in the middle of writing a book for and about Living with Agoraphobia.

Here is a link that might help you loose your ignorant and I have to agree with Rose your insensitive attitude.

Posted by: chrissy at October 29, 2005 03:53 PM

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