August 11, 2004

Self-esteem, Self-worth and Depression

Ok, here goes...The good old self-esteem and self-worth issues came up. I hate feeling like I am not pretty enough or skinny enough or good enough to be with a man like Michael. I swear he has to have the patience of a saint to put up with me sometimes. Like last night for instance. I checked his e-mail and saw what I imagined to be love letters from him to another woman, but were in reality just his way of writing letters. Now I knew this but due to a bout of depression and my self-esteem being in the toilet and a HUGE lack of self-worth I made a bigger deal out of it than should have been made. Talk about issues....Man did I ever have them!!!

Depression is hard on a relationship. Sometimes it is so hard that the relationship fails. And with self-esteem and self-worth issues right along side of it, well it makes the stress and anxiety levels shoot straight to the stars. I hate me when I am like that.....Oh well just another discussion for my therapist next week...May be she can change the anti-depressant I am on to something that won't 1-interact with my AED's and the pain meds I take for RA and 2- make me so squirrelly I can't function. Here's hoping......

Posted by Rose S. on August 11, 2004 04:28 PM

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