Main » April 2006

April 26, 2006

Tail Spin

For most of my growing up life 75% of me didn't think that I was going to live that long.

I figured I would reach 21 but I never thought that I would reach 25.

During each downward spiral of depression I always wonder if this will be the one that I don't get back up from.

It's morbid but it just is how it is.

25% of me however, always thought I would make it through.

I think that 25% of me pulled me through my deepest darkest moments.

I'm 30 now.

I turned 30 last Thanksgiving.

I'm 30 and I am looking at the wreckage of my life and I wonder how in the hell did I get here?

I haven't finished college.

I have a job at a store that is owned by my parents.

I have loads of debt from hospital stays and college loans from my many failed attempts to get through school.

I dont feel like I have good options in front of me because even though I am still alive, I am still sick.

I haven't "beaten" depression.

It still kicks me in the ass pretty badly on at least a monthly basis.

I just don't know what to do.

I just really don't know what to do.

Posted by Rai at 01:12 PM | Comments (0)

April 05, 2006

Depression Has Got Me By the Short Hairs

I am having a really bad time of it right now.

My depression has got me by the short hairs.

I'm trying to keep a stiff upper lip and just deal with it as people would prefer that I do but man...

I'm struggling.

I know that when people compare my life to other people's lives they are just trying to show me that I could have it worse.

Being depressed doesn't make me stupid.

I am completely and totally aware of the fact that other people have worse things going on in their lives than I do.

Really I got it.

So not only am I wrestling with my depression, I am wrestling with my temper.

Because when people so grandly point out that I "don't have it that bad", I must then resist the urge to kick the shit out of them.

I am very tired.

I have insomnia.

I am unhappy with my life.

I just don't know what to say anymore.

Posted by Rai at 11:25 PM | Comments (0)