January 15, 2005


Well, my sweet little cat Molly died last night. This is one of the most devastating things to happen to me recently. The MedVets thought that she might have a liver dysfunction, and that might be the reason why she was so damn sick. So, they gave us medicine and told us to start her on it, twice a day. My dad and I gave her the medicine last night, and the second we gave it to her, she seemed to immediately progress downward. A short while later, she was laying stretched out on my dad's bedroom floor, struggling to breathe and literally crying out. It was the most horrible thing I've ever had to see, and I fled the room in tears. There are few things worse than watching an animal (especially one which you love) be in so much pain and know that there's nothing you can do about it. When I woke up today, my dad came toward me with his arms extended and said "come here". I immediately knew what he was going to tell me, and wanted to just run out the door and keep running forever so I wouldn't have to hear it. But instead, I let him tell me, and I sobbed for quite some time. I miss Molly so much, and I will love her forever.

Good grief, I have no idea what the hell I am going to do with myself when a PERSON I love dies. My God, I can't even keep myself together when John Ritter or Todd from Suddenly Susan dies. What the hell am I going to do? Oy, gevalt. I am a mess.

On a lighter note, I made dinner for my boyfriend and we sat down at the table with my dad there and all had a conversation. It was nice. Things like that don't happen much around here anymore. I really value the relationships I have with people.

Posted by fourrightchords on January 15, 2005 03:31 PM

OH my gosh... I am SO sorry about your kitty. I am so so sorry :( Where you said,
"There are few things worse than watching an animal (especially one which you love) be in so much pain and know that there's nothing you can do about it. ".... I understand completely. Seeing an animal in pain is probably my WORST trigger out of everything that will set me off.
(Right now just reading your post, i am getting an enormous headache immediately-- pounding, insiders acting up).
I am so sorry. I know your pain. I have lost some of my dearest pets. It is an enormous hurt and I am sorry you are going through this.
If you would like to e-mail please send me an email at lostghostgirl@yahoo.com or at my AOL one, cuz I dont have your e-mail address.

I am glad you got to make dinner for your boyfriend, btw.

Posted by: Pilgrim at January 15, 2005 08:06 PM

Sarah, I'm so sorry to read about your cat. I started to cry when I read your post. I'm a huge cat lover and it breaks my heart to read things like this. I hope you're hanging in there and am glad you have loved ones to help you through it.

p.s. your diary is great so far! glad to have you here. :)

Posted by: Tracy at January 16, 2005 12:57 AM

Sweet Sarah,

I am so very sorry about you losing Molly the kitty.
I understand your grief too, having awakened one day to find our 12 yr old cockapoo had had a stroke or something, she's lost urinary & bowel control and was just limp. My husband and I took her to the vet.. you know the rest... and I was in bed alot severely depressed for a month. I made a tribute page for her on my family webpage, that helped, and buying a black frame with a silver biscuit on top and putting her pic in the family room helped. I can't think of that day ...I won't let myself... it was too hard, and so instead I honor her memory in photos and prayer.
Take care sweet Sarah,
Hugs and Blessings, Judy

Posted by: Judy at January 17, 2005 02:14 AM

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