June 19, 2005

house cleaning

we spent the day cleaning and rearanging furniture today. We moved the baby over into the other bedroom so that the 2 little ones wouldnt keep each other up all night anymore. We got 3 phone calls last night that kept ups up all night cause we got really scared. Had 2 severe panic attacks today. we've kinna had 3 days of continues panic attacks but 2 were real bad today. we go see our T on wednesday.

Posted by Heavensdaughter on June 19, 2005 7:57 PM


Hey sweetie,
so sorry about the disturbing phone calls and the panic attacks. I know what panic attacks are like and to be in a 'state of panic' for hours, or days, YIKES!
Hoping things are more calm.
Hugs and Blessings, Love, Judy

Posted by: Judy at July 3, 2005 12:22 PM

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