Main » June 2006

June 10, 2006

My Family

its been 3 weeks now and i'm still here yet. I'm really loving being with my new family. It gets really rough sometimes but over all its been pretty good. Theres no words to describe how having a mom and a dad feels, to get hugs n stuff every night. its like living in a fantasy type world. time gets divided up pretty well, they make sure Jill gets very well cared for and everyone else too. Its hard though sometimes, just trusting that everything is going to be ok. Its hard to trust that nothing bad is going to happen, that its ok to just do what ever they say. Amy is having the hardest time with it. She has never let anyone tell her what to do and now we are in a situation where she has to. Its just a lot of changes and adjustments.

Posted by Heavensdaughter at 6:31 AM | Comments (103)