Becoming My Passion

Health Diaries » Weight Loss » Becoming My Passion

October 6, 2004

Day 5 to Change

Weight: No Change
Food eaten: Ravioli, ribs, garlic toast, garden burgers, ice cream, grape pop
Exodus: mailbox
Exercise: none

Hygiene: Shower
Writing: screenplay revisions

Chores: Dishwasher load and put away twice, clean kitchen
Meditation: none

Watched a couple movies today and felt out of place all day. My revisions are going slowly and its quite disheartening that Ive gotten so little done. Im tired and sleepy. My hairs a nightmare and Ive got to go into town tomorrow to take office tests. Im terrified of such trips. They claim it will take around 3 hours. So between 8:30 and 1pm Ill be stuck there. At least I get to bring my dog. I dont want to go but I know its for the best. Ill have to leave around 7:15 in the morning just to make sure we can get into the garage and park cheaper. Downtown still freaks me out! Ill need to pick up parking money and Ill need to find the place too. Oh, not looking forward to tomorrow.

Posted by ijellorca on October 6, 2004 11:03 PM | DIGG | | furl

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