Becoming My Passion

Health Diaries » Weight Loss » Becoming My Passion

February 1, 2006

Need sleep! Anyone Got some?

Oh boy I’ve been waiting for that wonderful slumber since yesterday! I’m sure the fasting has got my body chemistry a little excitable. I feel the drowsy coming, I just wish it would land and NOW.

I finally started drinking water today and it made me a little queasy. 100 hours left.

Well I avoided cooking the ground beef so the smell wouldn’t “overly” tempt me, and just made up the patties and shifted them to the freezer right away.

So, I’ll take the dogs down in a bit and call it a day. Day 4 starts in a few short hours but I’ll be hanging with the sandman I hope! Until tomorrow the Daniel Fast continues!

Posted by ijellorca on February 1, 2006 8:33 PM | DIGG | | furl

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