Becoming My Passion

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May 8, 2006

It’s a New Dawn, It’s a New Day It’s a New Life

It’s a New life for me and I’m feeling. . . GOOD!

Okay! I lost 17 Pounds on the 3-day fast and this morning after a day with some eating (including a little ice cream and coffee!) I lost another pound! I did start exercising on Saturday though. I put the Walk-Away-The-Pounds DVD in with Mariah Carey on the sound and it really limbered me up. I just got done doing the workout just now too. I started reading “Body for Life for Women” by Pamela Peeke. She breaks down all this information about our bodies and what they’re going through the four phases of a woman’s development years.

1. Menstruation
2. Reproduction
3. Perimenopause
4. Menopause

I had no idea that as a woman moves past 40 that her ability to taste sweets diminishes so she may try to increase her sweets to get that same basic taste level like some women over spray cologne because they can’t smell it anymore! Ooh, that’s a scary thought considering most of us have been trapped at some time or another in an elevator with a woman committing this gut ripping olfactory faux pas! Let me be fair I’ve also experienced it with a man who’s left us all on the floor groping for air as well! Moving along, as I was reading her book I felt the immediate urgency to workout and but QUICK!

Since I started the 3-day I’m moving up the 3 flights to my apartment much faster! My goal for those stairs now is to run up them every time I come back home! Who says fasting’s bad for you? Forgettaboutit!

Some positive changes since the start of the 3-Day Fast:

1. My blood pressure has gone from 155/81 to today’s 147/79 (And that was after today’s workout!)

2. I’ve lost 18 lbs

3. I got some more dimensions to the screenplay that I hadn’t thought about and even got the exact ending point for the screenplay!

4. Completed some great research for the screenplay and got to speak to a wonderful Ranger in the Grand Canyon National Park, who promptly gave me his direct line if I should ever need any more questions answered! How cool is that?!! Wow!

5. Shared my “Letters to Heal” Letter to my dad with my brothers and sister and made the great decision to send the letter to dad anyways! I got the blessings of my siblings! Very cathartic and cool!

6. I’m making connections with how to get to that “Before and After” picture Mecca! Drop calories, pick up exercises in number and frequency, and drink water like it’s going out of style! Yeah!

I’m so full of joy right now. It’s amazing how everything sort of spiritually fell together! I discussed sending letter to dad with my sweetheart who supported me wholeheartedly and encouraged me to speak to siblings. Got a conference call into my brothers which had us reminiscing the old family times with lots of laughter and the connection felt so deep and needed, then miraculously my sister called from Iraq the next morning and I was able to read her the letter and share the previous night’s conversation! Mind you we can’t contact our soldiers, most of them at will by phone but they can use calling cards and occasionally contact us but there’s no rhyme or reason when, and definitely no ability to plan it. At least that’s not the case for my sister’s unit. So for her to call within hours of my conversation with my brothers was fabulous! I had already woken up that morning from a dream for the screenplay so I grabbed pen and was furiously writing before I barely woke up! Between that, my sister’s call and finding the spot I’d been picturing for the character to end the movie, and finding it on the internet a place I’d never even heard of which is one of the most remote places in the United States to speaking to someone who overseas this natural National wonder and treasure… well I’ll tell you, my heart is ready to explode!

Sunday was truly a spiritual day for me! After I’m done here I’m going to go sauté some veggies to chow on and open a can of albacore tuna! Yeah! I’m getting it! I AM GETTING it…ALL THAT HEAVEN WILL ALLOW!


018 Pounds Down 032 More to go

147/79 Blood Pressure Goal: 130/70 or lower

Posted by ijellorca on May 8, 2006 10:10 AM | DIGG | | furl


May I ask please how much you weighed before and have you excercised everyday? Your answers would be much appreciated thanks x

I keep checking your blog and you haven't posted in a while...Where ya at girl? I look forward to reading it.

Sorry to have missed you both, obviously I was busy gaining wait and being depressed. Juliet, I'm not sure how much I weighed before then, I exercised most days missed a few I believe, if that was the same time frame, it seems like years ago. Tonya, I'm back to rip my mind and body back to reality. I do so much better when I post every day... I'll have to rememgber this.

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