Becoming My Passion

Health Diaries » Weight Loss » Becoming My Passion

August 3, 2006

Stress, Stress, eat oh no!

Well, so it goes lunch date was a disaster in so many ways stress wise that there’s no point listing it all. I wanted a drink, but my friend’s a teetotaler so I ate not what I planned! Note to self, the next time I eat out I’ll decide on something healthy and not change my mind by looking at all the other junk on the menu. The food tasted good, but it’s so not as healthy as my daily salads. We got a few dishes and shared them, unfortunately most of it was fried! I had Fish & chips, onions rings, salad, and a tiny sliver of her deep-dish pizza. We shared all the other stuff and she’s a big eater (no where as big as me, she’s just a bit plump size medium) but she used to be a small really small person. She eats out at restaurants regularly, something I don’t do. Still I have way more to lose than she does.

Amazingly I lost some weight, and my blood pressure’s down, weird. Today’s eating will probably push me back up, God I hope not! My whole system is ready for a break. From Food, traffic, and well everything right now. I’ll feel better after a lot of water I think!

143/88 BP 68 pulse ~ Down -02 ~ Total Lost 021 ~ 395 till Goal

Posted by ijellorca on August 3, 2006 6:30 PM | DIGG | | furl


When I am on a diet I always let myself one day per week when I can eat whatever I want. That way I don't feel guilty and the other 6 days I eat healthy because I know on day 7 I can relax. It works!

I'll have to take two weeks to make up for the past week! I will take your positive advice though! Thanks! I refuse to give up!

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