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August 01, 2005

Hysterectomy and Ovary Removal

Most women getting a hysterectomy should keep their ovaries because the common extra step of removing them seems to do no good and might decrease their long-term survival, researchers report. (USA Today)

March 21, 2005

Hysterectomy and Heart Disease

Women who have undergone a hysterectomy appear to be at increased risk for cardiovascular disease. The procedure itself does not seem to raise the risk, but it identifies a group of women who are predisposed to heart problems even before surgery.

December 07, 2004

New Options for Hysterectomy Patients

A hysterectomy used to mean an abdominal incision and lengthy recovery period, but advancements in technology have opened up other options for women.

August 26, 2004

Infertility and Cancer Risk, Hysterectomy Rates Unchanged

"New evidence suggests that women who have a history of infertility may be at an increased risk for several types of female cancers."

"Wall Street Journal reports that women are uninformed about their treatment options for uterine fibroids, which still accounts for 200,000 hysterectomies annually, in spite of a widely available non-surgical treatment -- uterine fibroid embolization."

August 09, 2004

Hysterectomy, Breast Cancer Under 40

Vaginal hysterectomy may be preferable to the abdominal approach for obese women.

There are many issues for women under 40 diagnosed with breast cancer.