December 9, 2010

3 Cheers For The Jumping Monkey!

Stem Cells help paralyzed monkey jump again.
I'd jump too had I been paralyzed... and then could move.
This bodes well for future research.. and for hope! Hang on, buddy, as we speak folks in several countries are hard at work to find our cure!

Posted by Lalo at 11:07 AM | Comments (4)

December 5, 2010

Things I Wish I Had Been Told At The Start

I turned 50 a few weeks ago and ever since then I have been in a contemplative state that looks an awful lot like depression. I've been deeply in my own head, caught up in the dramatics of my situation, being quite impressed with how "horrible" things are in my life and use that to talk myself into a whirlpool of excused absences from life.
Picture this renewed attempt to get this blog going again as my hand coming out from the chilly depths, a statement of hope.
In my desire to take positive action I would like to share with anyone who would like to read it, some things I wish that I had been told when I was newly diagnosed with having Parkinson's Disease. It'll be an ongoing series of thoughts that I will share as we go along here.
I am not presenting these as"helpful hints" or "little reminders", you will half-way hear and mostly forget. These thoughts are being shared in the spirit of, if I were sitting with you and we were talking, I'd ask you to look me in the eyes, give me your complete attention and know that what is being spoken of here comes not from books and lectures, but from the heart of a person who lives with PD perhaps just as you do.

Continue reading "Things I Wish I Had Been Told At The Start"

Posted by Lalo at 4:35 AM | Comments (1122)

December 4, 2010

Ever Feel Like Rip Van Winkle?

A long nap indeed, and certainly inexcusable. So I won't offer a blogger's "Excuse slip" giving extensive good reason for my absence,
Let's just carry on as we always have, always do and always will.

Posted by Lalo at 9:51 AM | Comments (0)

June 29, 2007

Kick The Can

This was a segment from "Twilight Zome: The Movie" that Steven Spielberg directed.

A synopsis from The Movies Made Me Do It:

This is a film about youth -- about appreciating who you are, not how old you are. "Kick the Can" is the name of this one, and it's about a man -- Mr. Bloom (Scatman Crothers) -- who comes to stay at an old age home, where everyone is tired...and slow...and confined to their routines. There is one man who always waits on his soon to come and take him out for the day, but he never does. These are people at the end of their lives, abandoned by their loved ones and forced into their lives of sameness. When Mr. Bloom arrives, he shakes things up and starts showing the residents that they have more to offer. One night, as everyone sneaks out for a rebellious game of 'kick the can', the old men and women start turning into children again, revealing that Mr. Bloom has a little more magic to him that originally thought. The children run and dance and sing and play and have a great time, until they realize that their lives as old people really weren't so bad at all. Spielberg's entry into the film is certainly the sweetest, the most powerful, and the most imaginative. It's not a horror film so much as a drama with some fantastical elements. It has the trademark Spielberg feel to it, and I wish that he had turned this into a feature length film, because there's much more material to explore.

Continue reading "Kick The Can"

Posted by Lalo at 8:06 PM | Comments (0)

June 20, 2007

Links To Lighten The Load

In putting together this post I began thinking of being a kid and playing doctor (no, not THAT kind...) and we'd use M&Ms for pills, the various colors would be for different ailments. I suppose I thought of that because these links, like those pills are colorful in their own way, sweet and easy to go down. But they were chosen for you as a gift from me because I appreciate you reading my entries and I hope these sites are as useful, motivating and practical for you as they have been for me.
Here goes:

Continue reading "Links To Lighten The Load"

Posted by Lalo at 2:43 AM | Comments (0)