August 01, 2004


Over at the Muhammad Ali Parkinson's Research Center they are compiling an interesting long-term study involving a PD patient database. The Link Is Here. I gladly participate in studies like this because PD is being intensely researched and perhaps the information I share, combined with others might be a key.
Well, you just never know.
It's something I can do, you know?

Posted by Lalo on August 1, 2004 09:47 AM

This is Gary, in Illinois. We haven't met. I have four neurological problems/disorders/diseases and I've tried several different medications to control them. I wanted to let you know that some people (like me) experience anger and depression as a specific side-effect of Mirapex. It took more than a year to have its full effect on me, but Mirapex eventually left me confused, forgetful, stressed-out, and on the brink of rage all the time. I lashed out at people and was a big pain in the ass. I would agree to do things, forget that I'd agreed, think I was being lied to or set up for failure, and I'd lash out. Or, I'd believe that I understood the facts of a situation correctly and then be resentful when it turned out I had misunderstood the situation completely.It is understandable that someone in your position would be angry and depressed, but I wanted to give you a heads up that Mirapex might be contributing to the problem. It's a wonder drug for most people who need it (and that might include you), but it can wreak havoc in some others. My neurologist prescribed Sinemet instead, and all of my mood and cognitive problems went away almost immediately.I hope your anger can be resolved just as easily.Good luck.
TITLE: Parkinson's Disease Patient Registry
DATE: 7/29/2004 08:00:48 AM

Posted by: Anonymous at August 9, 2004 06:16 AM

DATE: 8/7/2004 12:35:12 PM
Oh Lalo,I hear you and understand the cloud of depression settling and as you wonder whether to give in to it or fight the good fight (hmm) something validates your need to wallow. Hey I'm there regularly (my life with fibromyalgia, chronic pain)....and accept that some times I need 'pull the covers over my head' days.Oh the anger, I'm not sure how long you've had PD or when you were dx'd though you are a youngster, I'm 41 dx'd w/ fms at 35, disabled by it at almost 36. It's perfectly normal (an oximoron!) for healthy young peopld who have productive meaningful lives which are nibbled or ripped away by a disabling disease to go through the grieving process. The same one as when one suffers the death of a loved one, or any major loss. The steps are the same, the length and strength of the parts shift and change. It goes to the best of my recollection and experience: shock, denial, anger, sadness (which can be depressive), and acceptance. Of course as we move through these stages we take 2 steps forward and one step back or vice versa sometimes. Your anger is justified. So go outside and kick cans at your back wall, throw just about anything at the wall or ground, stomp on things (not in your best shoes). Then later after you've had the relief of the tantrum, hose off or pick up your tools of SANITY.I loved your post on putting together your wife's bike.I can picture your wobbly trepidacious beginnings and that wind in your hair smile on your face JOY. Maybe after stomping and cleaning up, if you're up to it later when it's cool and with plenty of bugguard on to ward of mosquitos, ask your wife if you can take her bike out again........gotta keep in training if you're gonna be the trained bear in the Russian circus!! LOLHugs, and blessings, Judy

Posted by: Judy in AZ at January 1, 2005 09:03 PM

Muhammad Ali may be frail in body but not in spirit. Even now, he still has the heart of a champion.

Posted by: Lamar Cole at December 17, 2005 12:16 AM

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