September 22, 2005

Scleroderma World

I have had an interesting morning. When I checked my emails I heard from several people in the sclero world who are facing some pretty mindboggling resistance from the established medical community. One is a woman who cured herself thru nutritional supplements and, dare I say it - prayer. Who has gotten a large supplement company to back an actual grassroots research study to see if it has any affect on sclero. The company is being taken to court, now, to supposedly stop them from making unfounded claims. Hey, they are TRYING to do the clinical trial! The other contact is a fellow who suffered with childhoold sclero who just wants to get the message out that it's not a death sentence. Again, he's being frustrated by the establishment who doesn't want him to talk about how he did it. What is up with this? Any ideas? Maybe we should remember that old addage and "follow the money"? Look, I understand how it sounds to the scientific mind that these folks consider prayer just one more item in their medicine cabinet - but how about if we look at it another way and call it "positive thinking"? Does it sound so radical then? By the way, today's advice: DON'T GIVE IN TO THIS "DISEASE". POSITIVE THINKING WILL GO A LONG WAY TOWARD ALLOWING YOU TO LIVE YOUR LIFE LONGER. Sure, this "illness" stinks and, especially if you have what is called "Diffuse" scleroderma, your body is hardening all over, all at once. You are being attacked and knowledge will help you to fight back.

Posted by Sclero Crusader | Filed under:

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