Main » August 2004

August 31, 2004

It was just one zit that became an Acne complex

Hello Everyone,
I, Naweko San-Joyz, am very excited the be here writing about what has become a centerpiece of my existence-acne. That may sound pitiful, but if you are like I was, suffering with acne and feeling as if your Real life is on hold because you too ugly to socialize, you might relate to what I have to say about acne, and its a lot... In a snapshot, I had acne for over decade. I went to 3 dermatologists, a psychiatrist, nutritionists, and several aestheticians and still had severe acne. Like many young folks, I was told, "Oh, you'll grow out of it." Well this is a fact people, I met a man that was over 50 and he is still taking a tablet of tetracycline everyday to keep his zits away. After trying everything to get rid of zits and looking at this man's situation, I decided to craft out my own acne solution.

I am writing this blog, because:

  1. I have a serious desire to help people not only overcome acne, but to learn from this emotionally devastating condition and;
  2. I have a lot of hands-on, practical information to share with you that I've learned from years of trying drugs, cosmetic procedures, herbal supplements and alternative healing to treat acne.
I have so much to write about, I scarcely know where to start. But I will make my blog as easy to navigate as possible. My next blogs will cover prescription medicine, mishaps with over the counter acne creams, a day with the aesthetician, and colonics for your zits...just for starters.

Well, it all started when I was a teenager, of course. At thirteen years young little red zits started to spout on my forehead. It was annoying. I tried the products advertised in commercials by actresses who probably never had a zit in their lives. Nothing worked. So, I developed a "I guess I not gonna look so hot now" complex. Like most teenage chics, I spent way too much time in the mirror looking at myself, or I should say at my uninvited zits. As I reflect on my teenage years, I realize that I was probably suffering from acne coree. This type of acne happens when you obsess about you zits, constantly look at your zits in the mirror, and then pop your zits impulsively in a hurried and desperate effort to have clear skin. A maddening situation indeed.

Let me tell everyone who does this a little secret. Popping zits makes acne worse. You've propably heard it a million times, but I was there folks. I still sometimes impulsively pop zits but I have developed a zit-popping control mechanism. Here it is:

  • One, before I pop a zit I say, "Yah know, if you pop this one, you will spread germs and probably have 3 new zits in this same area tomorrow."
  • Two: If I know I have a zit, I avoid looking in the mirror, or give myself a time limit for looking in the mirror, this reduces the temptaion to squeeze.
  • Three: Put ice on the zit. this reduces swelling.
  • Four: apply a clay mask to the zit to dry it out.
  • Five: Distract yourself with another fun activity.

The key to remember with an acne complex is to control your focus. If your center of attention is on the zit and how people will perceive you with this imperfection then you are more tempted to compulsively pop your zits and leave your face full of scars. Focus on writing, singing, kickboxing, listening to music, hiking or anything to take your mind off your zits. Time and patience will heal them..

OK, enough for now. Next I'll talk about mishaps that are too easy to make when using acne cleansers.

From a circle of Love,

Posted by San Jay at 01:46 AM