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October 29, 2004

Well I turned the big

Well I turned the big 3-0 yesterday!! Weee, I don't feel any different, in a bit of a funk lately, don't know what my problem is. I am happy to say however that my test results from the small bowel x-rays were normal! So yay for that huh? I don't go back till Feb. and then I will have more blood tests, you know the normal blood count and other blood tests. He did prescribe me something else to help me sleep since I think the Ambien was making me so sleepy during the day, at least I think it is the Ambien. I will be trying Sonata soon, whenever I get a chance to get it filled. We have insurance but my prescriptions are still sorta on the expensive side........Got to get my daughter a band instrument first before I get any medicine filled, I figured it is just sleeping medication, something that can wait. i hope everyone is doing okay out there in Health Diary land. Please leave me a note if you are a reader! I will usually respond in the comments, but if you need to email me you can do so here: REMOVE THE NOSPAM!!

Posted by Leslie at 06:26 PM | Comments (13)