July 28, 2004

Doing the Math

I'm ovulating.

I started yesterday.

My last gasp at fertility, I guess, since surgery is next week.

I'm all nervous today, too. Tomorrow I have my final exam at the doctors office and all the pre-surgical tests. Then, if that's not harrowing enough, I have a little break before I go to donate a unit of my own blood for the procedure. I used to donate blood all the time, at least a couple of times a year. I'm looking forward to being able to do that again next year.

Posted by Elizabeth M. on July 28, 2004 5:15 PM


Think of it this way, Elizabeth: You don't have to think about carrying around or having "supplies" on hand; and you don't have to think twice about wearing white pants. Let yourself rest after the surgery. My doc told me to take eight weeks of sick leave, which I did, and was glad for it. Let the excuse of having major surgery get you out of absolutely everything you don't want to do for awhile. What will be weird after awhile is that you won't have a cycle. I was surprised how much I was affected by the cycle. As someone said, "You no longer have the desire to eat a whole box of anything, nor will you have the drive to go out on a winter night and brave the storm to get chocolate."- Diana

It is hard for me to say anything since I am very opinionated about this type of surgery. I had a myomectomy after being told I needed a hysterectomy. I do not believe in hysterectomies until all other options have been thoroughly investigated. Too many women are not given all the facts they need to to make their decisions.I am concerned if this is surgery is really necessary for you but since I don't know the facts or you, I have to believe you have made the right decison. I believe our decisions come from our own inner sense of knowing what is right for us . I hope all goes well and send you blessings.

Hi Elizabeth, I feel really badly about my posted comments, but I couldn't find a way to erase them. I know the decision to have surgery is so stressful and difficult, you don't need someone questioning it. I am sorry if what I wrote upset you. I just hope you went to a really good doctor who let you make your own decision and did not bias you. Good luck!

It sounds like you are in great hands. Life happens to all of us in different ways and for different reasons. Abdominal surgery is no picnic. I can understand your concerns.Have you been told to drink tons of water before the surgery? Being really hydrated helps. I am not sure why.The hospital food was so horrible my doctor recommended I get a friend to bring me food. I am so happy I did.I couldn't eat much for the first three days after. What sustained me was yogurt,soy milk, apple juice, lemon water, and I took accidophollus and all my vitamins the day after the surgery. Vitamin c is a must. The yogurt really helped the constipation that was a result of not eating and having trauma to the abdomen. I actually took all my zillions of vitamins right up to surgery except garlic and vitamin e. Anything that can interfere with blood clotting needs to be stopped.I know you will do well.
TITLE: Ovulation
AUTHOR: Elizabeth M.
DATE: 7/28/2004 12:42:47 PM

DATE: 7/30/2004 08:14:48 AM
It's okay about the comments. I think you're absolutely right about hysterectomy being the last option. My problem is that my doctor is not confident that she would be able to remove all the "seed" fibroids - she would just take the large ones (and she's highly regarded in the are of myomectomy) - there are six large troublesome ones. The rest would be left in order to preserve enough uterine tissue. But of course my worry is that those that are left will grow back. I've got possibly 20 more years of natural hormones in me (according to how the rest of the females in my family operate). I really don't want to go through another abdominal surgery - and they're always far more complex the second time around.Believe me I worry about it and you're a caring soul to caution anyone about to do something like this to think about it very carefully.

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