August 20, 2004

Busy, Busy Day!

This morning a friend came over for a day-long visit. He keeps me company. He's been reading to me, sometimes we play Scrabble. Sometimes we just sit in the back yard. I think of it like some sort of Victorian recovery - where I've gone to the desert or the shore to get over my long illness or something and he's my ever-present companion.

Anyway, today's special treat was 60 feet of 25-pair phone cable. If you don't know what that is, well, you're missing quite the treat. It's just phone wire. 50 pieces of phone wire in 25 different colored patterns. I don't know what I'm going to do with it. It took the better part of the day to cut the insulating sheath off of it and then separate out the different strands of wire and roll each of them up into a single little bundle.

I'm thinking of making a little basket with it. (Probably not as nice as this stuff!) I've never made a basket in my life, so this should be an interesting task. When we were kids and we had phone wire we'd make rings and other little pieces of jewelry, so maybe I'll make fun little gifts for people.

I was also thinking of using it to decorate Christmas packages and other gifts for the rest of the year. I still don't think that's going to use it all up. After all, I've got 50 pieces and they're each 60 feet long ... that's 3,000 feet of wire!

In other news, I'm feeling pretty good today. Other than teasing the wire apart (which meant laying it down from the front of the house to the back - so lots of walking about), I did some dishes and of course wrote some emails and played online quite a bit. I haven't eaten much today and I'm kind of glad for it. I'm a bit swollen up in the belly - probably from the car ride and a bit of other walking about yesterday (a couple of friends came over for a visit last night and stayed for dinner a little Olympic viewing).

Just a little while ago my husband and I took the dog for a walk - once around the block. A big thing for me, but a mere warmup for they hubby's evening workout before dinner.

I look forward to doing more, but I know I shouldn't push it too much. I'm still getting a little blood-tinged discharge which might last another couple of weeks (doctor said it's normal). I'm really looking forward to not wearing panty liners ever again!

Posted by Elizabeth M. on August 20, 2004 07:18 PM

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