Myomectomy or Hysterectomy > October 2004 Archives

October 1, 2004

First Full Week

This marked my first full week back at the office.

Granted, it was only part time.

But I did have to get up and get myself there on time!

My energy level was actually pretty good. My only concern is my big belly at this point and I'm starting to worry that some of it is weight that I'm actually gaining. I want to start working out but of course I'm worried if I do I'll just overdo it and make the belly worse.

I think I need to just do it and stop babying myself. I'm not going to get strong again if I just keep waiting to feel more energenic. We all know that's not the way it works.

Okay, so either tomorrow or Sunday I'm going to get on the treadmill and walk two miles (or maybe put the dog on a leash and go two miles, as long as it's not hot).

If you notice that I haven't mentioned this by Sunday night here, feel free to call me on it. After all, I'm more likely to keep a promise to you than to myself.

Posted by Elizabeth M. at 7:52 PM

October 6, 2004

Back to the Real World

I guess I'm getting back to my real life.

My recovery was overshadowed this weekend with a bit of a startling health problem with my husband. He came back from his most recent trip with what we thought was a stomach flu. Well, it wouldn't go away so he went to the doctor and they suspected appendicitis.

Some blood tests still didn't rule it out so he went back the next day and they decided it was diverticulitis. So he's on massive doses of antibiotics. He was running a fever for the whole week and horrible night sweats.

But he's a trooper and insisted on going on his latest business trip.

That's not something I would do.

Other than that, I'm feeling good. The belly is still big at the end of the day. I'm pre-menstrual (sorry, post-ovulatory), so my breasts are a little sore and my chin, neck and chest are breaking out.

I need to start working out more and of course eat a little better. It'll be easier when my husband gets back from his trip.

Posted by Elizabeth M. at 7:05 PM

October 11, 2004


I guess I'm getting back to my real life.

My recovery was overshadowed this weekend with a bit of a startling health problem with my husband. He came back from his most recent trip with what we thought was a stomach flu. Well, it wouldn't go away so he went to the doctor and they suspected appendicitis.

Some blood tests still didn't rule it out so he went back the next day and they decided it was diverticulitis. So he's on massive doses of antibiotics. He was running a fever for the whole week and horrible night sweats.

But he's a trooper and insisted on going on his latest business trip.

That's not something I would do.

Other than that, I'm feeling good. The belly is still big at the end of the day. I'm pre-menstrual (sorry, post-ovulatory), so my breasts are a little sore and my chin, neck and chest are breaking out.

I need to start working out more and of course eat a little better. It'll be easier when my husband gets back from his trip.

Posted by Elizabeth M. at 1:58 PM | Comments (1)

October 24, 2004

So Sorry for Dropping Off

I was afraid this would happen. This is how I am. I have transient obsessions where I post a lot and have lots to say.

Now I feel like it's all over. The surgery is well behind me, I feel pretty much normal and I'm back at work. I've moved on to other transient obsessions (I'm taking a class and starting a new writing project).

But here's how things are going. First, I think that I'm not completely healed and there are still some reprecussions going on. About a week ago I had a really intense emotional episode. These are not like me, but it was one of those things where I was just very upset over nothing. For about three days. I could intellectualize that what I was upset about wasn't real, but I was still crying for no reason and was rather testy.

As I expected, it eased after a few days and I feel perfectly normal now. The episode doesn't fit in anywhere that makes sense on my homone cycle. It was after my "period" but before my ovulation - a kind of nowhere land. I suspect it was more about a bit of trauma being healed than a regular thing. At least that's what I hope.

My exercise is going well, I'm going to try to do more walking today. I walked last week too, at an even fast clip. I've been having a lot of meetings at work, which means walking to other buildings, which is also good for me.

My weight is back to normal and my swelling is going away. Sometimes in the evening my belly is a little bigger, but I'm back to my old clothes. I've even worn jeans the past two days without much problem.

I'll keep coming back here and updating though. I worry that my ovaries won't continue working or that they're not working at the desired levels. I have not menopause symptoms though. The only hormone problem I have right now is acne. I'm trying some progesterone cream applied from ovulation to the time of my period, in hopes of balancing the androgen overabundance. It's only been two months, so I have no idea if it's working or not.

Posted by Elizabeth M. at 9:20 AM

October 28, 2004


Yes, here I am again, exactly on time. I'm ovulating. Started on Tuesday as far as I could tell, which was exactly four weeks from the last time I ovulated.

Yay for ovaries.

In other news, there is a new fibroid treatment announced using sound waves. I'm still reading up on it and will post this weekend about it.

Posted by Elizabeth M. at 8:34 PM

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