January 29, 2005

Belly Pains

I made the mistake of picking up the dog today.

It had to be done. We were at the vet and she would not go into the waiting room. I couldn't just stand there out on the street yanking on her leash. So I picked her up and carried her in.

She's not a big dog, but she sure as heck doesn't like to be carried.

So I'm paying for it a bit this afternoon.

I've made the decision not to try to do the Los Angeles Marathon, which is in a scant four weeks from tomorrow. I haven't started training at all and it would just be a huge mistake if I did.

I'm setting my sights on the next big one in the area and I'm considering doing the San Diego Rock & Roll Marathon. I have no idea if it's a good idea, traveling all that way to get really tired, but it's in June and it's good to have goals.

In other news, well, days have gone by that I haven't really thought about my hysterectomy. I think that's a good thing. I don't know if it means that I should end this diary, or just make a point to update on a weekly basis.

I'm still doing some reading, I get news updates through a google thing about ovarian cancer, fibroids and hysterectomy. There have been some interesting developments. Like one study that said that fibroids on stalks could be treated with UFE. I know that some women are told that it might not be effective, but someone's finally done a study on it.

Other news is that they're still working on blood tests to detect ovarian cancer, which is good news for all women, not just those with hysterectomies.

Posted by Elizabeth M. on January 29, 2005 5:03 PM

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