January 13, 2005


Yup, my period started last night.

I'm so not used to the idea (I'm not sure why) that I left the house this morning without putting on a panty liner. It's mostly a little blood when I wipe, but sometimes it spots my underwear. So when I got to work I tucked a little folded over toilet tissue in my panties in hopes of avoiding a stain.

In other news about recovery, my belly has been hurting quite a bit and the swelly belly returned as of Monday. It was because I took to furiously cleaning the kitchen, which for reasons I won't go into here also involved removing the screens from the window over the sink. I haven't slept well the past two nights so the swelly belly isn't getting any better. Of course it could also be a bit of period bloat too while we're at it.

Posted by Elizabeth M. on January 13, 2005 11:06 AM

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