February 21, 2005

Getting Better

Now that the bronchitis is just about gone I'm feeling pretty much normal.

Yesterday I drove up to Ojai to see my mother for lunch and I wore jeans. I know, it seems a little silly to even mention such things, but I wore jeans, knowing full well that I'd be in the car for 90 minutes each way. And it wasn't an issue in the slightest. I can now wear jeans without worrying about my incision site getting irritated.

The coughing has abated enough that my belly is returning nearly to normal, though there's still a little tenderness because I was coughing a lot. The big change I made this year with my bronchitis over last year was that I made special efforts to cough and support my belly and to be aligned properly. I blame last year's problem with the torn intercostals with trying to be polite and turn away from people when I coughed. This time I just turn around completely instead of contorting my chest.

Today was a holiday from work and I'm grateful for that. I spent the day lazily making efforts to clean up the spare room in the house which is supposed to be my office. I filed about a year and a half's worth of bank statements. That's a huge accomplishment right there. I even made a folder for my hysterectomy. Not that there's much in there, just the paperwork from the hospital and my HR department's forms.

Tomorrow it's back to work.

Posted by Elizabeth M. on February 21, 2005 10:12 PM

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