April 14, 2005

High Blood Pressure and Fibroids

A new article that I saw today shows that there's a statistical link between hypertension (high blood pressure) and fibroids.

"Hypertensive women were 24 percent more likely to develop clinically symptomatic fibroids than non-hypertensive women, and the risk increased with duration of hypertension," Dr. Renee Boynton-Jarrett, of the Harvard School of Public Health told Reuters Health.

The reason I'm mentioning it is that there was that huge report recently that said that hysterectomy raises the risk of cardiovascular disease. Sometimes I wonder if it's the things that lead to cardiovascular disease are the same ones that cause the trouble that leads to hysterectomies in so may of these women. This link between fibroids and high blood pressure may point us in that direction.

Posted by Elizabeth M. on April 14, 2005 8:59 PM

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