Main » incision photos

January 07, 2005

Actually Feeling Better

I'm amazed how actually following good advice sometimes nets positive results.

I'm feeling good. Not great, but good. I'm afraid of feeling great too quickly, because then I'll revert to my old ways, so I'm really encouraged.

The swelly belly is finally disappating. I have to thank my husband for that, he carried every bit of luggage over the holidays. I've been doing a damn good job of not doing anything.

This morning I also took some photos of my incision. Yesterday marked 20 weeks since surgery.
january07a.jpg - this is a closeup. You can see the white scar forming at the center of the incision site. I tried getting a good shot of how there's a little ridge at the top, but it just doesn't show, it's only something I can feel.

january07b.jpg - here's the regular far away shot. You can see that I haven't gained weight, even though I've been rather inactive. Soon I'll start back at the fitness walking.

For now I'm going to enjoy fitting into my old clothes and the lack of pressure on my abdomen!

Posted by Elizabeth M. at 09:52 PM | Comments (0)

September 18, 2004

Incision Check!

Since someone on the HysterSisters site asked, I figured it was time to post my incision photos for the past few weeks.

Unfortunately I stopped taking them for a while since my husband took the camera with him on a couple of trips.

So here is where we left off at week three.

Week 3 - august26a.jpg - the last little scabs on the ends are gone. There are still lots of ingrown hairs in my pubic area and around the incision site. It also itches, and sometimes I made the mistake of scratching without thinking, man did that hurt!

Week 4 - september02a.jpg - all of the scabs are gone and there are no lumps or flaky skin parts anymore. It's a solid purple line now, just a slight indentation from the surrounding skin.

Week 6 - september18a.jpg - the incision has no swelling at all around it. A few hairs are ingrown to the scar tissue (I'm not sure what to do about that yet - you can see them better in this closeup - september18b.jpg). The hard ridge above the scar is gone, though it's still a little puffy there towards the end of the day.

All the incision photos are taken in the morning after I shower. I'm probably holding in my belly a little bit too, mostly so the light will get on the incision properly for the photo. The swelly belly isn't that bad. The pants that I wear in the morning a usually a little tight towards evening. I figure on my bad swollen belly days I gain about two inches and it usually goes away by evening.

Of course this is all just me. In general, I heal slowly. Cuts and scrapes seem to hang around for months. But I'm also not the type to swell up. I had a ruptured meniscus in my knee a couple of years ago and the doctor was confused that I had so much pain until they did the MRI and was still mystified why I didn't get more swelling. If you're the type of person to swell when you twist an ankle or get edema in your feet, who knows what surgery will bring for you.

Any questions or feedback? Feel free to email me.

Posted by Elizabeth M. at 06:20 PM | Comments (0)

August 23, 2004

More incision photos

Here are the incision photos I promised earlier.

There's not much new, but I know some of you are curious.

Day 15 - august20a.jpg - you can see a little bruising still on the top of the incision site and of course the pubic hair is really irritated where the surgi-tape was. I don't know if it's because some of those hairs were ingrown because of the tape or if the tape itself is irritating.

Day 16 - august21a.jpg - there's a lot less of a difference from day to day now.

Day 17 - august22a.jpg - more of the same.

Day 18 - august23a.jpg - not much different except maybe it looks like I'm losing weight. Or maybe I sucked my gut in when I shot this photo.

I know I shouldn't be impatient, but I'd like it to heal a little quicker but thankfully it's not as itchy as it was the first two weeks!

Any questions or feedback? Feel free to email me.

Posted by Elizabeth M. at 06:46 PM | Comments (0)

August 17, 2004

Most Exciting Day Ever!

Yes, I have been taking photos of my incision since day four.

They're not as gory as I thought they would be. And for those of you checking out this diary as you prepare for this sort of surgery or perhaps something similar, you might be comforted to see it. I was afraid of a row of staples with a big swollen area or something. It's really not like that. Just a little dark red line - rather like a happy face at the bottom of my belly.

So, here they are (I'm not posting them directly here in case anyone is squeamish, so you'll have to do some clicking - I made them big enough, I think so that you can see some detail.)

Day Four - august09a.jpg - there's a black bruise right above the center of the incision, which I imagine is where they had a clamp or retractor. And there are bruises up the to my hips, which I also guess are from retractors or something. The little lines on my legs are from where the tape on the dressing irritated my legs.

Day Five - august10a.jpg - this photo isn't as good as the rest, I didn't quite get the light right. But you can see the bruises developing ahd black thing above the incision is still pretty visible. My belly was really big that day, probably causing lighting problems!

Day Six - august11a.jpg - there's a huge bruise developing on my hip that shows up well here. But the incision is not as tender as before, simply numb for the most part. A tender spot has also developed halfway between my bellybutton and the incision about two or three inches across. It's like a bruise but there's nothing there.

Day Seven - august12b.jpg - the black bruise at the top of the incision is fading now but the surgitape is also kind getting dog-eared and coming up at the edges.

Day Eight - august13a.jpg - the bruises are almost all gone on my right side and the big one on my left hip isn't nearly as tender anymore. I think my waist is getting smaller and the swelling in my belly during the day isn't nearly as bad as week one.

Day Nine - august14a.jpg - bruising is going away & my hair is growing back. The incision itself is a little lumpy to the touch, a half in ridge at the top of the incision along its entire length, but the bottom doesn't feel like that at all.

Day Ten - august15a.jpg - the itching is bothersome but nothing seems red or swollen so I figure it's all part of the process

Day Eleven - august16a.jpg - the black bruise at the top is almost completely disappeared and the itching is starting to subside.

Posted by Elizabeth M. at 09:18 PM | Comments (2)

July 27, 2004

An Ache That Can't Be Soothed

I'm considering taking lots of photos. My doctor promised me photos of the surgery and the fibroids and enlarged uterus.

I've never seen anyone's incision after surgery, and I was thinking of taking a photo of it every day as I heal.

Maybe it'll scare people or put them off.

I bruise easily. A lot.

I was reading online that redheads often have some sort of clotting problem. That sounds like me all over. I'm not a redhead like some women you see, not that orange hair and orange freckles and brown or green eyes.

I'm blue eyed, no real skin pigment (I can't tan, only burn then freckle) and my hair is a light brown that seems to turn coppery-red after it grows out a half an inch. I bruise. Oh man, do I bruise. And I get bloody noses.

These are all supposed to be some sort of thing that redheads are pre-disposed to.

I'm not sure why I bring this up. I'm a little worried about bleeding, but I'm set to give a unit of blood next Thursday.

Any questions or feedback? Feel free to email me.

Posted by Elizabeth M. at 01:11 PM | Comments (1)