January 25, 2006


I got a raise and a promotion at work last week.........it was a wonderful feeling knowing that my boss has that much confidence in me and in my abilities. The euphoria from that kept me going all week last week-now reality has hit. With the promotion comes a lot more responsibility which is fine-but I am so tired and I am so afraid that I am not going to succeed. In my LBL (life before lupus) I was never worried about that-I knew I worked hard and I knew what I was capable of-now though-it seems the harder I try the more mistakes I make. I do not want my boss to think he made a mistake by placing so much faith in me. My boss now is nothing like my boss up north. He is so calm and kind and just a WONDERFUL person. My immediate supervisor is wonderful as well and I think she is also becoming a friend of mine. I adore her as well........it could be worse........I could not stand the people I worked for up north as far as the way they treated employees and acted like we should be grateful to have the job-it goes both ways-yes I am happy to have a job but they should be happy also to have people working for them making them money.
Anyway-went to pick up my prescriptions from the pharmacy and one of the scripts they wrote for me was for prevacid for the ulcers-the insurance would not pay for it-said I was TOO YOUNG LMAO-too young for ulcers?! I can not believe it!! That is crazy!! Now I have to call the insurance company and see what the age is for ulcers!! And if I am too young for them now will they pay for other treatment to heal them?

Crazy crazy crazy..................
People with lupus have enough problems we do not need the added stress of insurance companies telling us we are too young or not sick enough for certain things-my gosh-how does an insurance company know things that the doctor does not know?

Posted by Lisa on January 25, 2006 01:43 AM


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