Main » Feeling Good!

February 02, 2005

Update to the yuckies

I am feeling better today! Maybe I shouldn't be so quick to speak eh? I don't think I mentioned this before, but I stoppped taking the medications that I was on for Ulcerative Colitis. It made me feel like crap, worse than I already was at the time. I told the doctor during the summer that it made everything worse and he raised my dosage from 6 Colozal a day to 9. Oh yeah that made me feel better (NOT!) So I felt like the doctor wasn't really listening to me, I told him I couldn't sleep he prescribed Ambien. Then when I told him that it was to expensive for me to buy, he pretty much said "Tough Shit" Not those words, but you get the picture. He said everything else to help sleep would be addicting. Anyway I am supposed to go in for routine blood tests soon, to check my blood count and liver function and some other blood tests I believe. I am supposed to go back and see him in Feb..........BUT I am not going to. I used to like this Dr. but not anymore, not after the way I felt I was treated, which was like trash. He also knows I have four kids and told me not to have anymore children, I don't think it is health related either. You just had to hear the tone of his voice. So that is my decision. I am on no medication and I have no gastro doctor anymore, if I have an episode again I will see another doctor but until then, I am on my own with the help of my psychiatrist and therapist if needed. I will still post here of course about my health, although it may or maynot be as interesting with a doctor involved. Hope everyone in HealthDiary land is doing good! Later guys ;o)

Posted by Leslie at 03:32 PM | Comments (3)