October 01, 2004

First Full Week

This marked my first full week back at the office.

Granted, it was only part time.

But I did have to get up and get myself there on time!

My energy level was actually pretty good. My only concern is my big belly at this point and I'm starting to worry that some of it is weight that I'm actually gaining. I want to start working out but of course I'm worried if I do I'll just overdo it and make the belly worse.

I think I need to just do it and stop babying myself. I'm not going to get strong again if I just keep waiting to feel more energenic. We all know that's not the way it works.

Okay, so either tomorrow or Sunday I'm going to get on the treadmill and walk two miles (or maybe put the dog on a leash and go two miles, as long as it's not hot).

If you notice that I haven't mentioned this by Sunday night here, feel free to call me on it. After all, I'm more likely to keep a promise to you than to myself.

Posted by Elizabeth M. on October 1, 2004 07:52 PM

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