February 19, 2006

How do I do this and make it fun for my family?

I am so worried about how my family is going to cope with me so much worse, it is already hard on them and I suppose it will not get any easier. If anyone has insight on how to make this easier on my loved ones please let me know-trying hard to figure it out.........

Woke up again with a fever, but at least it broke early, no excuse right now as to why I feel so lazy and unmotivated to do anything- there are so many things I need to do but I can not seem to make myself get up and do them. I am not ready to go back to work tommorow at all-I need a couple of days off with no husband and no kids, where I can just lay around get dressed when I want to and if I want Total for dinner, pour a bowl and call it done. I think even healthy normal people want that once in awhile.........maybe I am not so different from everyone else as much as I think I am.

They have been researching stem cell treatment for lupus. I wonder how bad yours needs to be before they will try it on you. I would volunteer to be a guinea pig for this research. Even if it does not spare me some of the worst parts of this disease maybe they would learn something that would spare others from some of the trauma this causes.

I am homesick also-I want to see my mommy but it is not possible right now. My husband does not understand why I am homesick already and I do not know how to explain it to him, but part of it is because I have no friends here and I am lonely. I am used to having friends to go to the mall with or just to hang out and I do not have that at all here. I do not know why people do not seem to want to be my friend here. My husband says I am not trying hard enough to make friends here. Maybe that is true but also I don't go anywhere but work and home. Most days it is a struggle to accomplish that.
I wonder if there are any lupus support groups in Naples?


Posted by Lisa on February 19, 2006 11:15 AM