March 30, 2006

If only it were that easy

I have to be at work in less than an hour.

I am still all wild haired and pajama-clad.

I dont feel well but I dont think I am getting another cold.

The world feels heavy on my shoulders.

That is never a good sign.

Heavy depression usually falls on me right after I become aware of gravity.

I am worried about money.

A is planning on going back to school full time this fall.

She will have financial aid and mostly likely a part-time job but still the money is going to change.

That makes my insides quake uncomfortably.

The one thing that is not great about my job is the money.

The fact that I make as much as I do and can still afford to pay two part time people in a business that is just under two years old says really good things about how the store is going.

But it doesn't change the fact that I need more money.


The North Carolina lottery became official today.

I should go to the gas station and win $100,000 from a scratch ticket this afternoon.

If only it were that easy.

I can buy a glimmer of hope from the scratch ticket.

I wish I could spend my hard-earned and too few dollars on a cure for this oppressive hollowness that is stealing through my soul.

If only it were that easy.

I have to go gather myself up and go make a bunch of money at work now.

If only it were that easy.

Posted by Rai on March 30, 2006 10:16 AM

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